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May 11 - 10:30 am | In-person and Virtual | GMT -3
Centro de Convenções e Exposições Expo D. Pedro, Campinas, São Paulo - Amoreira 3

The objective will be to present an overview of the international market for animal fats and meals - production and future perspectives. It will also discuss the proposed changes to the Terrestrial Animal Health Code of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) regarding highly pathogenic Avian Influenza and Foot-and-Mouth Disease, as well as the possible negative impacts that may occur with the implementation of the proposed changes in relation to Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy.


10:30 am


Pedro Bittar
Board of Directors President – ABRA

Decio Coutinho
Executive President – ABRA

10:40 am

Session 1

Perspectives on the world market for animal meals and fats

  • World production in the main exporting countries.
  • International trade: main origins and destinations
  • Future perspectives of the animal rendering sector in the international market.

Kent Swisher
North American Renderers Association – (NARA) PRESIDENT

11:20 am


11:40 am

Session 2

Progress and challenges with the OIE and its recommendations for the international trade in animal meals and fats

  • Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

Lucas Cypriano
President of the World Renderers Organization – WRO

12:20 pm


12:40 pm

Session 3

SENAI – Presentation partnership with ABRA – Technical Courses for the Animal Renderers sector

1:00 pm


1:20 pm





