A standardizer of animal meal, Lika Nutrição Animal is located in Rolândia, Paraná.

Focused and dedicated to the quality of its products, it has been operating in the rendering market since 2018, when it began its activities in the animal feed sector. In 2022, it expanded its scope, establishing its place in the animal feed industry and trade.

Since its foundation, it has always invested in improving its employees and industrial plant, in order to further improve its production process, with an eye on the well-being and safety of its staff.

Its range of products includes Poultry Viscera and Bone Meal (Standart), Poultry Viscera Meal (Low Ash), Poultry Feather and Blood Meal and Poultry Meat and Bone Meal – all made especially for those looking for the best in animal nutrition.
At Lika, the products are developed with the highest technology: its industry has a fully automated production system, guaranteeing the best standardization in the final product.

  • Mission: To meet our customers’ needs with high quality and standardized products, guaranteeing the best results in animal nutrition.
  • Vision: To be a competitive company that operates solidly and comprehensively in its segment, being a reference in the national market.
  • Values: Guided by respect for sustainability and the environment, the company’s priority is customer and partner satisfaction, always acting with transparency, respect and quality.


Poultry Viscera and Bone Meal (Standard)
Poultry Viscera Meal (Low Ash)
Poultry Feather and Blood Meal
Poultry Meat and Bone Meal


Marcos H. Piotto
E-mail: comercial@likanutricaoanimal.com.br
+55 43 3142-2330