Aurora Coop is one of the largest food cooperatives in Brazil.
Cooperation is our essence and it is part of our daily lives. It goes far beyond a business model, it is a philosophy for life.

With more than five decades of history, Aurora Coop is formed by more than 100,000 families. A number that gathers employees, rural entrepreneurs and affiliated cooperatives.

With participatory management, Aurora Coop operates in the industrialization and commercialization of pork, poultry, dairy, pasta, vegetables, fish and supplements for animal nutrition. The affection with which we produce the raw material in the field, the transparency in our relations and the excellence employed in each stage of production, guarantees the recognition of consumers worldwide, positioning us as one of the main animal protein industries inBrazil.


Hydrolyzed feather meal and poultry blood, Poultry meat and bone meal, Pork meat and bone meal, Poultry viscera meal ash, Poultry oil and Swine grease


Rafael Santos
+ (55) 47 3390-6851 / + (55) 47 99602-3889