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Bovine tallow

Bovine tallow is obtained simultaneously with the manufacture of Meat and Bone Meal, separated from the solid fraction by percolation and pressing processes. Subsequent decanting and centrifugation processes can be employed, in order to reduce the content of solid material.

The animal byproduct used is originated in establishments supervised by official inspector. It’s processing, traceability and self-control standards in production take place according to standards established by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA). Antioxidants can be used in their composition to prevent oxidation of fats.

It is a very palatable, oxidation-stable, highly energetic product, basically composed of triglycerides. Bovine tallow is usually sold in bulk.

The main advantages in use are

  • Costs: reduction in the cost of formulating feed.
  • Nutrients: source of fat stable at room temperature.
  • Palatability: increases the palatability of the feed.
  • Safety: safe and stable product, free from anti-nutritional factors.
  • Biodiesel: it is an alternative to the use of vegetable sources in the production of biodiesel.

Product used for

Tallow has wide application, being used in the formulation of feed for pigs, birds, dogs, cats and other monogastric. It can be used by chemical, hygiene and cleaning industries, in the manufacture of varnishes, lubricants (stearin) and others as a pharmaceutical industry (glycerin). The main destination for the tallow produced in Brazil, is the production of Biodiesel, as it is an economical and sustainable source of fat.

Prohibited use in the diet of ruminants.

Poultry oil

Poultry oil is obtained simultaneously with the production of poultry viscera meals, separated from the solid fraction by percolation and pressing processes. Subsequent decanting and centrifugation processes can be employed, in order to reduce the content of solid material.

The animal byproduct used is originated in establishments supervised by official inspector. Its processing, traceability and self-control standards in production occur according to the standards of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA). Antioxidants can be used in their composition to prevent oxidation.

It is a very palatable, highly energetic product, basically composed of triglycerides. Poultry oil is generally sold in bulk.

The main advantages in use are

  • Costs: reduction in the cost of formulating feed.
  • Nutrients: high energy value.
  • Palatability: increases the palatability of the feed.
  • Safety: safe and stable product, free from anti-nutritional factors.

Product used for

Poultry Oil is used in the formulation and manufacture of feed for pigs, poultry, fish, shrimp and pet line, in the manufacture of biodiesel and as a caloric source in boilers.

Prohibited use in the diet of ruminants.

Fish oil

Fish oil is obtained simultaneously with the manufacture of fish meal, separated from the solid fraction by pressing processes. Subsequent decanting and centrifugation processes can be employed, in order to reduce the content of solid material.

The animal Byproduct used is originated in establishments supervised by official inspector. Its processing, traceability and self-control standards in production occur according to the standards of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA). Antioxidants can be used in their composition to prevent oxidation.

It is a highly palatable, energetic product, rich in essential fatty acids (omegas 3, 6, and 9), being highly valued in the preparation of diets for animals that demand high levels of these fatty acids in their diets.

The main advantages in use are

  • Costs: reduction in the cost of formulating feed.
  • Nutrients: rich source of polyunsaturated oils (omega 3 and 6) and vitamin D and B12, benefiting bone health and vision with anti-inflammatory action, strengthening the immune system.
  • Palatability: increases the palatability of the feed.
  • Safety: Safe product, free from anti-nutritional factors.

Product used for

It can be used as a nutritional supplement in the diet of dogs and cats, due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory characteristics.

Prohibited use in the diet of ruminants.

Swine Grease

Swine Grease is obtained simultaneously with the manufacture of Swine Meat and Bone  meals, separated from the solid fraction by percolation and pressing processes. Subsequent decanting and centrifugation processes can be employed, in order to reduce the content of solid material.

The animal byproduct used is originated in establishments supervised by official inspector. Its processing, traceability and self-control standards in production occur according to the standards of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA). Antioxidants can be used in their composition to prevent oxidation.

It is a highly palatable, stable, energetic product, basically composed of triglycerides.

The main advantages in use are

  • Costs: reduction in the cost of formulating feed.
  • Nutrients: source of fat stable at room temperature.
  • Palatability: increases the palatability of the feed.
  • Safety: safe and stable product, free from anti-nutritional factors.
  • Biodiesel: it is an alternative to the use of vegetable sources in the production of biodiesel.

Product used for

Swine Grease has a wide application, being used mainly as a flavoring agent in the feed of dogs and cats, and it is still usually used in the formulation of feed for birds, fish and other monogastric. The use of Swine Grease for the manufacture of Biodiesel in Brazil has been growing, as it is an economical and sustainable source of fat.

Prohibited use in the diet of ruminants.