Venice Animal Nutrition is an animal rendering industry
that works on processing poultry slaughter waste,
producing viscera meal, hydrolyzed feather meal and
poultry oil.
The company was founded in 2014, in Nova Veneza, in
the countryside of Goiás, Brazil. The quality, sanity and
traceability of the products, with personalized customer
service are guaranteed from the begining. The focus of
action has been the domestic market.  Veneza Nutrição
Animal is also always attentive to sustainability when it
comes to environment.


Viscera meal, hydrolyzed feather meal, and poultry oil.


Cleiton Luiz de Almeida
+55 (62) 9 9827-0869

Cláudio Cezar Alves Ferreira
+55 (62) 9 9227-1451