Frigolima’s history is an example of entrepreneurship. It began 40 years ago with a municipal slaughterhouse, founded by Jorge Andrade de Souza Lima in the city of Ipatinga, Minas Gerais (MG). The slaughterhouse turned into a meat packer and an animal rendering industry to process it’s own material and to also make raw byproduct collection all over the region.
The industry growth lead to new investments and in the year of 2009 the activities of the current Frigolima – Renascença Animal Feed Industry had started. The unit built in the municipality of Periquito (MG) is an independent company specialized in animal rendering, which collects raw byproduct of animal origin among the east side of Minas Gerais. The collection is made in more than 50 municipalities garanteeing the right destination to animal byproducts.
Meat meal, blood meal and bovine tallow.